Source code for prompt.util

"""Utility module."""

_cached_encoding = None

[docs]def get_encoding(nvim): """Return a Vim's internal encoding. The retrieve encoding is cached to the function instance while encoding options should not be changed in Vim's live session (see :h encoding) to enhance performance. Args: nvim (neovim.Nvim): A ``neovim.Nvim`` instance. Returns: str: A Vim's internal encoding. """ global _cached_encoding if _cached_encoding is None: _cached_encoding = nvim.options['encoding'] return _cached_encoding
[docs]def ensure_bytes(nvim, seed): """Encode `str` to `bytes` if necessary and return. Args: nvim (neovim.Nvim): A ``neovim.Nvim`` instance. seed (AnyStr): A str or bytes instance. Example: >>> from unittest.mock import MagicMock >>> nvim = MagicMock() >>> nvim.options = {'encoding': 'utf-8'} >>> ensure_bytes(nvim, b'a') b'a' >>> ensure_bytes(nvim, 'a') b'a' Returns: bytes: A bytes represantation of ``seed``. """ if isinstance(seed, str): encoding = get_encoding(nvim) return seed.encode(encoding, 'surrogateescape') return seed
[docs]def ensure_str(nvim, seed): """Decode `bytes` to `str` if necessary and return. Args: nvim (neovim.Nvim): A ``neovim.Nvim`` instance. seed (AnyStr): A str or bytes instance. Example: >>> from unittest.mock import MagicMock >>> nvim = MagicMock() >>> nvim.options = {'encoding': 'utf-8'} >>> ensure_str(nvim, b'a') 'a' >>> ensure_str(nvim, 'a') 'a' Returns: str: A str represantation of ``seed``. """ if isinstance(seed, bytes): encoding = get_encoding(nvim) return seed.decode(encoding, 'surrogateescape') return seed
[docs]def int2char(nvim, code): """Return a corresponding char of `code`. It uses "nr2char()" in Vim script when 'encoding' option is not utf-8. Otherwise it uses "chr()" in Python to improve the performance. Args: nvim (neovim.Nvim): A ``neovim.Nvim`` instance. code (int): A int which represent a single character. Example: >>> from unittest.mock import MagicMock >>> nvim = MagicMock() >>> nvim.options = {'encoding': 'utf-8'} >>> int2char(nvim, 97) 'a' Returns: str: A str of ``code``. """ encoding = get_encoding(nvim) if encoding in ('utf-8', 'utf8'): return chr(code) return'nr2char', code)
[docs]def int2repr(nvim, code): from .key import Key if isinstance(code, int): return int2char(nvim, code) return Key.represent(nvim, ensure_bytes(nvim, code))
[docs]def getchar(nvim, *args): """Call getchar and return int or bytes instance. Args: nvim (neovim.Nvim): A ``neovim.Nvim`` instance. *args: Arguments passed to getchar function in Vim. Returns: Union[int, bytes]: A int or bytes. """ try: ret ='getchar', *args) if isinstance(ret, int): return ret return ensure_bytes(nvim, ret) except nvim.error as e: # NOTE: # Vim returns 0x03 when ^C is pressed but Neovim. # Additionally, KeyboardInterrupt is not raised but # A general nvim.error and only the following dirty # implementation works. if str(e) == "b'Keyboard interrupt'": return 0x03 # ^C raise e
[docs]def safeget(l, index, default=None): """Return an index item of list or default.""" try: return l[index] except IndexError: return default
[docs]class Singleton(type): """A singleton metaclass.""" instance = None def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs): if not cls.instance: cls.instance = super().__call__(*args, **kwargs) return cls.instance